The Bible in English Standard Version: A True Christian Treasure

The English Standard Version of the Bible, shortly known as the ESV, is undoubtedly the most popular edition of the Bible that enjoys respect and appreciation across the wide English-speaking Christian community. What sets this literal translation of the of the Bible apart from the other English translations are its word-to-word accuracy, depth in meaning and unmatched literary excellence. Moreover, this version of the Bible is suited to be used for various purposes including personal reading, in-depth study as well as for public worship.


You can buy the English standard version of the Bible in different formats, that is, in a print edition or in an e-book format. Also, there are ESV Bible mobile apps that make this true Christian treasure accessible to every Christian; all of the editions that you can find in the traditional stores can be found online, which means that you can shop for the ESV from the comfort of your home at the best price tags possible! As a devoted Christian who is always looking for a source of real Christian teaching instead of reading theological books with unproven authenticity and veracity, I warmly recommend you to buy and read the English Standard Version of the Bible. Here’s why I think and responsibly claim that the ESV is a real treasure that can give any Christian directions to live in accordance to the true Christian values written in the Bible.

Reading this word-to-word translation instead some of the numerous misinterpretations that are all around us will give you a clear insight into the true, deep meaning of the Bible. You will learn many important historical facts, including a great number of archaeological proofs of many biblical stories and some undeniable facts about human history. Learning about the historical circumstances during Jesus’ life, makes it easier for you to understand Jesus, his choices and sacrifice. This can bring you back to faith, which many confuse with religion. In fact, religion has no meaning without true faith.

Reading the Bible will open your mind and heart by reminding you of everything good you have been through. This is especially important in the moments when you are starting to loose your faith. It is in such situations when the Bible can remind you that God should be your main focus and that He will never leave you, even in the moments when you think he has abandoned you. The Bible is one of the few books that can change your life for the better and give you new perceptions on the way you see certain things. Simply put, it is a valuable book that will help you grow and bring you a new, fresh perspective helping you build your relationship with God.


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