6 Ways to Keep Your Bird Pet Happy and Entertained
Birds are well-known to be exceptionally perceptive and clever. In order to maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle, they require regular mental stimulation and social interaction with humans and other animals. A happy bird is a healthy bird, and a healthy bird is one that has access to food, water, affection and entertainment, Here are some ideas to prevent boredom in your feathered pal.
Provide a Variety of Bird Toys

To keep your pet amused and occupied, be sure to provide a wide range of bird toys. Providing your pets with a new bird toy on a weekly basis will keep their cage interesting and give them something new to play with and investigate each week; just make sure the toys are safe for birds and won’t harm them if they accidentally swallow them.
Offer your new pet a wide variety of toys, including those made of wood, rope, and plastic, so he can play with something new each day. The materials should be bird-safe, so avoid ones with small pieces that can be chewed off. Ladders, swings, and other climbing items can give your pet a fun place to explore and exercise, and foraging toys can help stimulate their natural curiosity.
In order for a bird to fully engage his senses while playing, there should be a wide range of sizes, shapes, colours, and textures to choose from. Start with a few basics and expand your collection over time as you discover new bird-safe materials and toys. Look for items made specifically for birds, as these are designed with their safety in mind.
Finally, don’t forget to supervise your pet when they’re playing with a new bird toy – but also make sure you give them plenty of time to investigate and play on their own. This delicate balance may seem tricky at first, but it’s a vital aspect of keeping your pet happy and healthy. Not only does it foster mental stimulation, it also helps to build trust between you and your pet.
Spend Time With Them

Providing mental and social stimulation for your bird through interaction is the most effective way to do so. This goes beyond providing food and water. Activities, like playing games, talking and letting it out of its cage to safely explore the house, are all part of this. Your bird, like any other member of your family or household, requires regular exercise and mental challenge. The most effective way to do that is to spend some quality time together.
If Possible, Adopt One More Bird
Providing your bird with a friend may help them adjust if you are unable to spend as much time with your new best friend as you would like. Birds, like people, are social creatures that thrive when they can interact with others of their kind and with humans. Having another bird around will also encourage them to play and display their natural behaviours more frequently, which is great for keeping them active and engaged.
Teach Them New Tricks
In general, birds enjoy expanding their avian knowledge. Training is a fun way to keep them occupied because they enjoy learning new things and demonstrating their competence. Teaching them the basics, like climbing up onto their perch or waving hello and goodbye, is a great place to start. Once they’ve mastered the basics, you can move on to teaching them more advanced tricks like fetching objects or performing tricks when given specific instructions.
Make Sure They Have a Spacious Cage

Keeping a bird in a small cage can lead to boredom on both ends, as the bird will have less room to move around and fewer things to do. Just make sure they have enough space to move around without feeling confined. The best option would be to provide them with access to a secure outdoor aviary where they can play and learn about the world around them while under your watchful eye or that of trusted family members.
Many cages feature extra compartments where toys and treats can be stored, so your pet will have something to explore even during times when they aren’t being supervised. Foraging toys are particularly useful for birds, as they can offer hours of entertainment.
Let Your Pet Out of Its Cage

In addition to giving your bird a lot of room in his cage, it’s important to let them out every day so he can stretch his wings and check out the world outside. When you let them out, make sure your home is pet-friendly and all the windows are closed so they can’t run or fly away.
Also, keep a close eye on your pet when he’s free to roam. Birds love being outside in the fresh air and natural light. If you can, let your bird out of its cage for an hour or two every day so it can explore and get some strength training outside its cage. Just keep an eye on your bird at all times when he’s outside.